Catchweight (175 lb) bout: Anthony Johnson vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida
While Yoshida is entering the ring, Mike Goldberg is quick to remind the viewers that Yoshida is 35 years old while Johnson is 10 years younger. Anthony Johnson will an 8 inch reach advantage. Mazzagatti the ref. Fight starts!
Johnson is huge. He looks so much larger than Yoshida. Yoshida takes a hard right hand. He takes a few more. Johnson throws another let and then an uppercut with the right. Straight right hand floors Yoshida. Fight over. Damn, that didn't take long. Johnson now apologizing to the fans for weighing 6 pounds over the limit. TKO victory for Johnson.
Lightweight bout: Joe Stevenson vs. Spencer Fisher
Fisher looks loose and excited while walking to the octagon. Joe Rogan doesn't see Fisher taking the fight to the ground and neither do I. This is going to be an exciting fight, in my opinion. Joe Daddy making his entrance to the Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feelin". Mike Goldberg lets the viewers know that he likes to listen to this song in the car with his daughter. Ref is Herb Dean.
Round 1. They are talking to each other as they get ready to hook em up. Early leg kick by Stevenson. Both fighters throwing punches but not landing. Leg kick by Fisher. Nice counter right by Stevenson. Both guys circling the middle of the octagon. Fisher is already bleeding above the right eye. Stevenson presses Fishera gainst the cage. He is struggling for a takedown but Spencer is tough. Joe is really putting alot into taking him down. Stevenson breaks the hold and both fighters move the center. Fisher stuffs a takedown but Stevenson doesn't let go and gets Fishers back. 15 seconds left. Hammerfists to the side of Fishers head as the round ends.
Round 2. Both fighters trading punches and throwing leg kicks. Nothing landing. 3:40 to go. Joe Daddy with a takedown. Closed guard. Elbows from the bottom by Spencer. Fisher tries for an arm bar. Leg lock attempt by Stevenson. Stevenson gets half guard. Spencer hip escapes and keeps Stevenson from getting full mount. Both guys reversing each other. Great ground work from both fighters. Fisher still bleeding. Stevenson working the short elbows. 1:30 to go. Stevenson opens a cut above Fishers left eye. Working against the cage in side control, Joe Daddy traps Fishers left arm. Steveson drops elbows on Fishers head over and over. Herb Dean stops the fight. Victory for Joe Stevenson 4:03 by tapout in round two. Apparently Fisher tapped under the elbows of Stevenson. Stevenson gets his second win under Greg Jackson.
Lightweight (157 lb) bout: Gleison Tibau vs. Josh Neer
Tibau enters to Black Sabbath's Iron Man. Neer enters to Snoop. This is officially a catchweight fight. Rosenthal is the ref.
Round 1. Both fights feeling eachother out. Neer throws a huge punch and Tibau ducks it and scoops Neer and slams him in the middle of the mat. He trises to hold Neer down but Neer is right back up. Another big slam by Tibau. Neer throws a back fist and some up kicks and gets back to his feet. 3:00. Neer drops his mouth piece. Both guys faking punches. Tibau slams Neer again but Neer just throws Tibau off of him. Neer and Tibau both throwing and landing punches. Another take down by Tibau. 30seconds. Neer gets back up and off the cage. Both fighters throw punches as the round ends.
Round 2. Another easy takedown to start the round for Tibau. Neer gets it back up. Tibau up against the fence and takes down Neer again. Thats six so far. Neer lands a good right, after he gets it back to the feet of course. Another takedown for Tibau. Neer doesnt allow Tibau to get a dominate position. Full mount for Tibau. Neer gives up his back. Tibau applies a choke. Neer tries to trow him over his back and head. Tibau smoothly slides it into an arm bar. Neer gets out and takes over on Tibau but Tibau gets up. 1:35 remaining. Tibau seems spent. Sloppy punches. Neer lands some solid rights in the clinch. Neer stalking. Tibau looks tired. Neer seems to have shin problems. Tibau's punches do not have anything behind them. End of round 2.
Round 3. Tibau takes down Neer once more. Hip escape by Neer. Neer is attacking from the bottom. Neer spins and gets back to his feet. Neer's punches are alot harder than Tibaus right now. Tibau goes for alazy takedown that is blocked by Neer. Neer needs to connect to win this fight. Tibau would win by decision as of now. Tibau is twarted again for a takedown. Neer pushing forward and throwing pucnhes. Takedown by Tibau. Elbows from Neer. Neer gets back up. Both fighter meet at the center. Rosenthal stops fight to clip tape on Neers glove. 1:15 left. Neer's shin is very sore, according to his winces. Tibau scores another takedown. 35 seconds left. Tibau scores once more on a takedown. Tibau finally working from above. Fight ends. Crowd boos. 30-27, 30-27, 29-28 for Tibau. Unanimous.
Heavyweight bout: Cain Velasquez vs. Ben Rothwell
Rothwell is pumped. I love his sponser...Extenze. Maybe he will knock out Cain with is large hard on. Cain makes his entrance to some El Ranch tunes. Rothwell is 27 pounds heavier as of the weigh-ins. This is a pro-Velasquez crowd. Ref is Steve Mazzagatti.
Round 1. Early kicks from Cain and punches from Ben. Cain goes forsingle legtakedown. Cain trips Ben and gets takedown. Rothwell tries for a kumora. Cain picksup and slams Ben. Ben gets upand lands a nice right hand. Cain's striking looksgood. Cain lands a few good shots and then takes down Ben with another single leg. Cain gets side control. Rothwell stands it back up. Cain takes Ben back down and gets sidecontrol. Nasty elbows by Cain. Left hand from the standing cain. Cain now trying to take Ben's back. Full mount. Hip escape by Rothwell. Cain teeing off on Ben. Full mount again by Cain. Rothwell is takign alotof punishment. Another takedown by Cain. Rothwell is gassed. Cain is having his way. 30 seconds. Rothell is taking rights and lefts to the head. Bloody nose for Rothwell, who just got worked over.
Round 2. Mazzagatti warns Rothwell that he will stop the fight if Ben continues to take shots unblocked. Takedown by Cain. Hard shots by Cain from side control. Cain has Ben's back. Ben squirms to fence to wall walk. Cain pens Ben's right arms against the fence and tees off on his face a few times. Mazzagatti steps in and stops the fight. Victory for Cain Velasquez. Rothwell is angry because he was attempting to stand up. The crowd isbooing but either way, Velasquez dominated Rothwell. 58 seconds of round 2, TKO winner, Cain Velasquez.
A Surprising Stained Glass Card!
12 hours ago
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