Light Heavyweight Championship bout: Lyoto Machida vs. Mauricio Rua
Machida is coming off a KO victory of Rashad Evans. Rua is coming off a KO win over Chuck Liddell. 80% of UFC fans voted online that this fight will end with a KO. This will be Machida's first title defense. Highlights of Rua in Pride are being shown. Now for a little segment on Machida. Rua enters to some super awesome techno music. I hope thats not the crap they play when the Olympics go to Rio. Both fighters are from Brazil, by the way. Ruas corner guys keep touching Rua as vasoline is being applied. Officials keep telling them not too. Another "Grease Gate"? Machida is entering to a song his father made. Machida and his two brothers look just alike. Now the p.a. is cranking some Linkin Park. Ref is Herb Dean.
Round 1. Leg kick misses by Rua. Knees to the body from Machida. Kick punch combo from Machida. Clinch by Rua. Machida against the fence. Rua throws the knees. Machida gets free. Bad ass knee from Machida.Machida blocks the takedown. Clinch has Machida against the fence. Combo from Rua misses. Machida backs away. Both fighters are very patient. Nice leg kick from Machida. Followed by a body kick. Counter by Rua. Nice leg kick from Rua. End of round one. Good luck scoring that.
Round 2. Rua throing the kicks to open the round. Machida lands a couple punches. Both fighters look very quick. Machida tags Rua, lands a knee as Rua shoots in for takedown. Machida fights it off. Rua landing kicks. Body kick by Machida. Rua lands one. Machida eats another one. Machida lands a leg kick. Rua lands a leg kick. 1 min left in the round. Knee by Machida. Knees against the fence by Rua. Machida now throwing knees. Rua has one under hook i. Rua landing knees to Machida's thighs. Endo of round 2.
Round 3. Rua lands another body kick. Machida starts to throw, lands two kicks and a punch. Rua lands another kick. Machida lands a body kick. Rua misses one. Rua shoots and gets a clinch. Rua lands an elbow on the break. Rua lands hard leg kick. Machida lands a body kick. Rua chases and throws a combo that doesnt land. Rua chases again but misses and Machida counters with a nice combo. Rua lands akick. Machida teeing off on Rua. Rua lands a right. Rua is breathing heavy. End of round 3.
Round 4. Rua misses leg kick. Misses another. And another. Machida lands a little kick. Crowd chanting Machida. Small combo for Machida. Leg kick for Rua. Head kick by Machida. Slip by Machida. Clinch. Rua going for single leg. Both guys let go and are back to their feet. Nice exchange by both fighters. Elbow by Rua. 1 min left. Knee by Rua. Kick by Rua. Neither fighter engages in the final 30 seconds. End of round 4.
Round 5. Kick by Rua. Both fighters fake kicks. Machida with a knee. Rua still stalking. Machida lands a punch as Rua lands a body kick. Another kick for Rua. Rua pushes forward but doesnt land anything. Knee by Machida. Clinch. Machida has to be down in the judges cards. Herb Dean breaks the fighters. Kick for Rua. 1:45 to go. Knee by Machida. 45 to go. Machida needs to engage. 30 seconds. Rua lands a left hand. End of fight. Definetly looks like Rua by decision.
48-47 for Lyoto Machida! Holy shit! He definetly DID NOT win that fight. Rua should be pissed but hey, he should have knocked Machida out and not left it in the hands of the judges. Rua was landing kicks all night. He should have went for the KO but I can understand that he didnt because he thought he was winning on the cards. Hell, everyone knew Rua had the fight won. So, winner and still champion, Lyoto Machida!
A Surprising Stained Glass Card!
13 hours ago
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