By: Guido
It's all over! Just as I predicted. Manny showed up for game 3 and the Dodgers got the sweep. Yet, the Cards fans are still making me sick. Here are some quotes from various message boards.
"First of all, congrats to the Dodgers. They absolutely deserved to win. Wish it had been a tighter series, but, as with the 2004 sweep by the Red Sox, this one seemed not in the cards. Well, it's the journey that matters, and the Cardinals treated us fans to one terrific ride for about 5 and a half months."
"This doesn't hurt at all. The best team won. So, I look forward to spring training and a new season in 2010. Great job Dodgers. Good luck with the Phillies or Rockies. I have a feeling the Yanks are going to win it all though. Go Cards! Thanks for a good season."
"Cubs fans are going to be bashing us? C'mon, give me a f'ing break! The Cubs are still a century behind the Cards."
Give YOU a break? Why the fuck should anyone give any Cardinals fan or player a break? Why? Because you can't take the shit that you are usually handing out? Is it too much for you for Matt Holliday to be the billy goat and Steve Bartman? Are 2006 chants more than you can handle? Give ME a fucking break!
The standing ovation for Matt Holliday? Was that from the heart? Fuck no it wasn't! You guys are just kissing his ass so maybe he would still consider signing with the Cards in the off season. If I were Holliday, I'd get the hell out of St. Louis. No need playing for a fan base that will always remember your folly that cost them a game in the playoffs. Give me a break, my ass!
Did the better team win? Yes. But why do Cards fans feel it necessary to point that out, you ask? Because it makes them look humble. Baseball's Greatest Fans(TM)? Shit. They are just masking their embarrassment. They don't like being associated with the word "choke". Well, get used to it.
The Cards only looked good this season by comparison. Comparison with the Cubs and Brewers, the two favorites to compete for the NL Central. Thanks to both teams underachieving, the Cards were able to take advantage with their triple-a plus Pujols roster and win the central. Easily. Hell, they were already in first place when they acquired DeRosa and Holliday. And with the exception of August, the Cards were 71-65. They lucked into it. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But they should take it for what it is, not what they want it to be. You can't say that it was a dominating season for the Cards. It was an average season. The Brewers didn't show up all year and by the time the Cubs had everyone healthy, it was too late.
So all in all, the Cards played three extra games this year. or should I say, dressed for three games. They didn't really play. You can't tell me that it doesn't hurt. How does it not hurt to see your team play like shit in the playoffs? I can say for myself that it doesn't surprise me when the Cubs do it but for when the Cards fans climb out of there spider holes in mid-July and start parading around, singing "We are the Champions"... I've been there. 2003. 2004. 2007. 2008. It hurts. Doesn't matter how it ends. So give me a break!
Get with the program! Other than going a century without a WS title, there is one thing the Cubs have on the Cardinals. Back-to-back World Series Championships. That's right St. Louis. Been there. Done that. the Cubs have successfully defended a championship season. Time to start playing catch-up.
I think this fellow said it best.
"Cardinal fans really make me laugh. When they lose, it's 'the better team won,' or 'We didn't deserve to win.' Give me a break. However, when the Cubs get beat, it's 'Choker' or '1908.' Bunch of hypocrite Cards fans. I live in an area which is half Cubs and half Cards and boy did the excuses come out when they got beat. And yeah, the Cubs haven't won since 1908, but it doesn't make me love my team any less."
A Surprising Stained Glass Card!
12 hours ago
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