By: Harvey
Today was the real opening day across Major League Baseball . . . otherwise known as my favorite day of the year. Especially when the Braves knock the living shit out of the Cubs and their psychopathic head case of an ace — otherwise known as Carlos Zambrano.
Unfortunately, the Cardinals also won, something for which I can never root. If the Cardinals were playing an exhibition game against the Hitler Youth All-Stars, I'd have a hard time deciding which team to support. Kind of like Duke in this national championship game tonight.
One of the stories on ESPN was about McGwire not getting booed in Cincinnati. Big f-ing deal. He'll catch his fair share of shit in Chicago, I'd guess. At this point, I'm guessing most folks in Cincy don't even care enough to boo, anyway. They're too busy taking out their frustration on the crap team their home team trots out on the field day after day. I'd imagine there were more Cardinals fans there, anyway.
Pujols is an animal, though. That son of a bitch is not human.
Now we have to endure tomorrow, when for some reason most teams take a day off. I don't get why they do this. If they're going to all take a day off, I wish they'd take the day of the NCAA title game instead. Tomorrow is going to suck worse than the Cubs did today in Atlanta.
McGwire not getting booed was a story on ESPN? What a joke. From what I heard and read Pujols got booed pretty good so Reds fans do care somewhat. Just goes to show that the Mothership in Bristol has overplayed the steroid story to the point that most fans don't give a shit anymore. McGwire hasn't played in nearly a decade and his admission was exactly surprising news. Pujols is the one that can destroy opposing teams with his bat. So he will receive the majority of the boos in opposing cities 99% of the time.
I have to disagree to a point — I think a lot of fans still care about it, but I don't think most fans are fully outraged. if you polled the average baseball fan, I'd be willing to bet a good number are disgusted with Mark McGwire to some degree. I know I am.
I'm not sure not getting booed is a story, though. If they'd booed him or thrown shit at him or perhaps shot him dead with a high-powered rifle . . . now there's a story.
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