By: Harvey
As I'm sure you all know by now, the Spanish national basketball team has come under some scrutiny lately. A picture published in a Spanish sports newspaper shows all its players pulling their eyelids back, making — for lack of a better term — chink eyes. Sorry for the crude terminology, but I'm sure you're all well aware of what I'm talking about....remember the childhood rhyme? "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these!"
Anyway, the Spaniards posed for this picture — as did the country's women's team — and when called on it claimed it was meant as some sort of "wink" toward the host Chinese at this year's Beijing Olympics.
Jose Manuel Calderon, who also plays for the Toronto Raptors, said the picture has been "interpreted incorrectly." Calderon said a sponsor asked the team "to pose with a 'wink' to our participation in Beijing" and that "we made an Oriental expression with our eye. We thought it was something appropriate and that it would always be interpreted as somewhat loving. Nevertheless, some of the European media did not see it this way."
Now, this is bullshit and I think we all know it.
It mildly offends me in some way that this Spanish player can feed us a line of crap and get by with it, but honestly, who cares anyway? From all accounts I've read, the Chinese people don't seem to care...and why should I care if them damned dog-eating commies care, anyway? These are the same people who had a pretty little girl lip sync their national anthem during the opening ceremonies over the beautiful voice of another little girl who they deemed not beautiful enough to be seen in such a setting. It also appears China is raiding its preschools to find gymnasts...even though the international rules require participants to be at least 16.
As far as I'm concerned, this whole "controversy" is the result of political correctness extending the iron fist with which it rules the U.S., trying to have that same control over the rest of the world. And for whose sake? A country that most of the world dislikes, anyway.
I think Calderon could've done the rest of the world, especially Europe, a big favor and said this:
"Hey, Chinese people have different eyes. We can't explain it, but it's funny to us. Immature, but funny. If you don't like it, tough shit. We're here to play basketball, not compliment each other's facial features. By the way, Yao Ming is a giant pussy."
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