By: Guido
What happens in Vegas gets you kicked out of the UFC. Or, I think that's how it goes.
Jesse Taylor earned his way to the Ultimate Fighter finale by beating down each opponent he face. So pumped was he, that Jesse stayed a couple extra days in Vegas to celebrate. He drank, kicked out limo windows, yelled that he was in the UFC, and harassed women at the casino bars. He had a great time. He didn't kill anyone. He didn't steal money from a casino. He didn't re-edit Star Wars IV-VI. He did what alot of young men do in Vegas. He drank. Besides, what woman at a casino bar isn't asking to be hit on. Most of them are there looking for a high roller anyways. Jesse just wanted to impress the chicks and skanks and possibly get some tail. Isn't that what Vegas is all about? Should Jesse have emptied his wallet at the slot machine first? The would it be ok? Let the house make some money first then look for girls? Is that the correct answer?
All this commotion was caught on security cameras at whatever casino/hotel Jesse was staying at. Once the owners caught wind of who the young man was, they immediately had the tape played for UFC President Dana White. Dana White, President of Las Vegas and soon, the world. I can understand Dana wanting the UFC to have respectable and responsible young men within the organization. I don't see how this is worse than Travis Lutter not making weight for a title match. How is it worse than hiring back fighters who have tested positive for steroids of all sorts? Talk about hurting your image, Dana White can't go ten seconds without saying "Fuck." (This is the equivalent of Pokey Reese going a month without fathering a child. It just ain't happening.)
"You fucking blew it."
"Fucking badass fight."
Dana, we're all adults here. We make mistakes. Jesse kicked out a window. Jesse harassed some cougers at the bar. Jesse screamed that he was in the UFC. Technically, he was in the UFC. He wore the UFC label and you made money off TUF season 7. I know you want to be strict and set a good example. You don't want your fighters running around like a bunch of NFL-ers or NBA-ers, but this is a minor offense.
You made the wrong move Dana. The wrong fuckin' move.
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