By: Guido
It's was toned down crowd for Busch. I don't think they were drinking as heavily as they usually do. I saw a handful of Astros fans and one Cubs fan in a Nomar jersey. He was a pretty big fella so I'm sure they left him alone.
There were a ton of Pujols and Molina jerseys in the stands, and then maybe a handful of Wainwrights, Hollidays and Ecksteins. I saw one of each of the following: Smith, Edmonds, Duncan, Warfield, Renteria, Rolen, McGwire and Vina. I'm not too sure why you wouldn't throw some of those old wash rags away.
One of those contests they had on the big screen was a guess the phrase game. The answer was "Best Fans in Baseball". Imagine that. I didn't think you could give yourself a nickname. It doesn't work that way. You earn a nickname. Good or bad, you earn it. That's just asking for other team's fans to hate you. Why do they get to claim themselves as the best? Haven't the Cubs and their fans been through a lot? And their fan's are still there. And what about teams who have never won anything? Don't they deserve some recognition for sticking around?
Do the "Best Fans in Baseball" know that they are cheering and loving one of the laziest players in the game in Albert Pujols? That guy doesn't run out shit. More on him later.
The Cards had a 2-0 lead before Brad Penny blew it in the 7th. The Astros were up 4-2 in the bottom of the 7th and Card fans started heading for the gates. Woah! "Best Fans in Baseball" just giving up on their team? I guess it only makes sense. Their motto is "Play Like a Cardinal" and with Pujols just giving up on every hit, why can't they just give up on the game? Excellent message, Cards.
This is why every Cards win is a killer and every loss is so sweet. Watching them lose gives you the feeling you would have had if OJ was found guilty in criminal court. When the Cards lose, justice is served.