By: Guido
Why am I not surprised? Mark McGwire was cheered today at Cardinals Winter Warm-up by Cardinals fans while Jack Clark was booed. Are you fucking serious? Clark was booed because of his comments made earlier this week referring to McGwire's admission to using steroids. Here are a few choice quotes from Clark's interview with the St. Louis Post Dispatch.(http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=4828816)
"[McGwire is] a sad excuse for a player in the industry of baseball. Just seeing him in uniform makes me throw up.""If his hand-eye coordination was so good, why did he feel the need to apologize to the Maris family?" "All those guys are cheaters -- A-Rod [Alex Rodriguez]. Fake, phony. Rafael Palmeiro. Fake, a phony. Roger] Clemens, [Barry] Bonds. [Sammy] Sosa. Fakes. Phonies. They don't deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. They should all be in the Hall of Shame. They can afford to build it. They've all got so much money. And they could all go there and talk about the next way to rub something on your skin. The whole thing is creepy. They're all creeps. All these guys have been liars.""It's a shame that he thinks we're all stupid, that he only did [steroids] because of injuries. That's such a cop-out, such a lie. These guys did [steroids] to take the money to pump up their egos and then take their consequences down the road." I'll post some more at the end and also Andy Van Slyke's comments as well.
So does this mean that Cardinals Nation(a.k.a. Greatest Fans in Baseball TM) condone cheating as opposed to being an honest, hard-working player? Yes, I believe so. All signs point to yes. Just because McGwire finally admitted doesn't mean all should be forgiven. The guy is still obviously a dumbass. Here are some comments made by McGwire when he admitted steroid use.
"There's no way a pill or an injection will give you hand-eye coordination or the ability or the great mind that I've had as a baseball player. I was always the last one to leave. I was always hitting by myself. I took care of myself." "I did this for health purposes. There's no way I did this for any type of strength purposes." "I truly believe I was given the gifts from the man upstairs of being a home run hitter, ever since ... birth. My first hit as a Little Leaguer was a home run. I mean, they still talk about the home runs I hit in high school, in Legion ball. I led the nation in home runs in college, and then all the way up to my rookie year, 49home runs. But, starting '93 to '94, I thought it might help me, you know, where I'd get my body feeling normal, where I wasn't a walking MASH unit." This just contradicts everything that the Cardinals and their fans claim they stand for. But of course, I'm sure their excuse for cheering his is to show their support for him finally admitting to it because that's the right thing to do. I agree. He fucking should admit to it, but he shouldn't get a goddamn standing ovation! He fucking cheated and lied about it just like Sosa, Palmeiro, Clemens and Bonds. And I guaran-fucking-tee you wont see any of those players get a damn standing ovation.
This whole thing is just fucked up. Cardinal fans are pretty damn stupid though and this isn't the first time. Every time,
EVERY TIME, a Cardinals player dies, not matter the circumstances, he's a hero! La Russa and Freese AND Spiezio all have gotten DUI's as Cards players...no big deal apparently. I had yet to hear a good thing about McGwire from Card fans until he came clean. Now he's role model, a god-send, whatever. And he thinks he is gonna teach them how to hit this season? Do batting practice sessions come with some cream and a shot in the ass?
Here's my predicted stat line for every Cardinals hitter that players in 130-150 games this year under La Russa and McGwire:
.265, 40 hr, 118 SO, 20-45 lb increase in muscle mass, major scrotal shrinkage.
Look, all I'm saying is this; What do you stand for, Cardinals fans? What? What makes you so great? BY cheering McGwire over Clark you have just contradicted everything you claim to stand for! Are too stupid to know better? Do you know what steroids are? (This is when Joe Card Fans reminds me that Sosa used a corked bat and took steroids) Seriously, do you actually know that McGwire CHEATED? Do you understand that? Does that make any sense at all? (This is the part of the conversation where Joe Card Fan reminds me that the Cubs haven't one a title in over 100 years, as if I didn't know that and isn't the point). Do you realize that Tony La Russa has a history of have players under him that have admitted to and been accused of taking steroids(McGwire, Jose Canseco, Cody McKay, Rick Ankiel, Ryan Franklin(with Seattle at the time, now closer for STL), Wilson Delgato)? Is any of this getting through to you? Does my use of putting letters together to form words and words together to for sentences confuse you? (10 World Series title, says Joe Card Fan).
See, it's no use. They are just too stupid. Chris Carpenter could admit to being a child rapist or Dave Duncan could fess up for being the reason for 9-11 and Cardinals fans would still forgive and wear their tacky "We are all child rapists', Chris." or "9-11 isn't just Dave's fault, it's everybodys" t-shirts. See what I mean? They're just dummies.
More from Jack Clark
Steroid abusers and suspected users
"are all lucky they didn't end up in jail. It's all comical to a certain point. It's a three-ring circus. It really is. From [commissioner] Bud Selig to Tony [La Russa] to A-Rod to Manny Ramirez to Palmeiro ... What a joke.""[McGwire's] own manager never knew that [Jose] Canseco and McGwire and anybody else ever had taken steroids? Trust me, from [a former player], I have a lot of insight into who did what and when but I'm not even going to talk about it. It really doesn't matter." "He should not be in baseball. He should be banned from baseball more than ever." Said Andy Van Slyke(former Card and Pirate great):
"I never condoned a player who used steroids while they played, but I've never been mad at a player. But I think if you have an opportunity to tell the truth and you continue to be disingenuous and lie, then there's every right for people to be upset by the continued lying or finger-pointing. There's a lot of finger-pointing by Mark McGwire. He blames it on not being tested and he blames it on the era. Why would you blame baseball for taking steroids? That's like me saying the reason I was drunk-driving was because I knew that on this particular highway, they didn't have anything for me to blow into."