By: Guido
Why the fuck is the University of North Carolina the second most popular university in the state of Illinois? Is this because of Michael Jordan? Seriously, this is almost worthy of a Wikipedia page.
I see these "homies" all decked out in their UNC shit and it makes me wonder. Are the UNC colors gang related? I may run across a couple of "clean" people wearing UNC crap but for the most part I only see these "mad thuggish homies" and white "homie wannabes" sporting the UNC caps and shirts. I seriously doubt these "homies" can name any player currently on the UNC roster but I bet they can tell me exactly how much change they have in their Crown Royal "change purse" bag. And I'm sure they now exactly how much E & J brandy they can purchase with it too.
Indiana is close but I never see any IU apparel. Same with Northern Il and Notre Dame. So what the fuck? Most people don't know this but that is why I cheer for Duke when they play UNC. Because I hate UNC and their "fans".
A Surprising Stained Glass Card!
13 hours ago