By: Harvey
I don't know what to say about this Alex Rodriguez character. Nothing really surprises me anymore. You know what I mean?
You'd love to believe that the game of baseball was still pure for the most part, but we are seeing this is not the case. Never again can we assume that any player isn't doing something illegal to give himself an edge.
They're all fucking cheaters, and sadly that's the long and short of it.
Who's to blame? I've heard people try to finger the media for making such a ruckus when McGwire and Sosa were trading home runs back in the late 90s, for lauding these guys when it was obvious they weren't on the level.
But what about all the dumbass fans who bought right into it? If we're going to blame the media for praising such obvious bullshit artists, then I refuse not to hold the sheeplike fans somewhat responsible for being sucked into the game's current state.
Of course, even worse are the pricks who go around saying shit like "I don't care if they're on steroids or not. It's all the same to me." It's not all the same. The game as it is today is not the great thing it once was. It's like a moldy shell. It's so disappointing to me, a guy who grew up loving the game and playing a truly pure form of it. It's sad when the only pure baseball left in this world is being played by children.
How about the franchise owners of the league who had to know something was up, but refused to step in for fear of putting a ding in their pocketbooks? What about the players' union, which has caused more than its fair share of trouble when the league began trying to actually implement some sort of testing? What about the commissioner, who has done more or less nothing to keep this from becoming a larger issue?
It's all a mess. But at least Bud Selig got a raise. Good for him. Cocksucker.